curator • writer • art historian
I’m a writer, art historian, and educator currently based in Jackson, Mississippi, where I am Associate Curator of Exhibitions at the Mississippi Museum of Art. I’m also completing a PhD in art history at The Graduate Center, City University of New York.
I have held curatorial, editorial, and research-based positions at art institutions including the Smithsonian American Art Museum, the Museum of Modern Art, the Dia Art Foundation, and the New Museum of Contemporary Art, and I am a graduate of the Whitney Independent Study Program.
Among my independently curated exhibitions are "Soft Skills," funded by the Andrew C. Mellon Foundation at the CUNY Graduate Center’s James Gallery (2017), and a presentation of Zoe Beloff’s multimedia project The Infernal Dream of Mutt and Jeff at Momenta Art in Brooklyn (2016). Both exhibitions were selected as Critics Picks on, and The Infernal Dream of Mutt and Jeff was also covered by The New York Times. In spring 2023 I curated "Matter as Fallen Light," an exhibition of thesis work by artists in the Masters of Fine Arts Program at Parsons School of Design.
My art criticism and book reviews have been published in Artforum, Lux, Movement Research Performance Journal, Bookforum, Art in America, The Brooklyn Rail, and Momus, and I have contributed to several museum exhibition catalogues. I have teaching experience at CUNY and in the department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Barnard College. In 2020-2021, I paused my art-related work to co-organize a mutual aid network in Queens.
You can download my current CV here.